So tonight, I pulled out that pumpkin and grabbed all of the ingredients and put it all together in a pretty short amount of time. The thing that took the longest was scraping the innards out of the pumpkin. After about an hour in the oven, the fantastic scent of garlic, cheese, pumpkin, and herbs was wafting out, scenting the air with its deliciousness. It smelled incredible. I removed the top of the pumpkin and let the filling brown on top for about 15 minutes.

I'm not sure what kind of pumpkin this is, but since the recipe doesn't specify a variety, I think you could use any kind of pumpkin. The flesh is very yellow and the textured kind of like spaghetti squash but more starchy. It balances the richness of the filling well. This was a very easy recipe but looks so cool when you cut into the pumpkin and that delicious filling spills out.
I hope I don't wait another 5 months before posting again. It's that time of year again where lots of baking and cooking are a bit part of my days. I love it! Thanks for reading.